Art Prints 1

Copyright©2012-20 Illustrations in Motion
All Rights Reserved
Website by Hawk Mountain


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11" x 14"
"Moment of Truth"
"Serious Warning"
Two adult grizzlies, one blonde the other black and silver,  closed in on a group of men in hopes of cashing in on the elk they harvested. After an intense skirmish, no one was injured, but the memories will remain. Published in Fur-Fish Game magazine.
300 Limited edition prints, signed and numbered.
Both Prints $80.00
11" x 14"
"Sweet Tooth"
This muskrat enjoying a sugar beet necklace was published in Fur-Fish-Game magazine. Next to beavers, muskrats have some of the softest fur in the market.
200 limited edition prints, signed and numbered.
11" x 14"
"Coyote Song"
Coyotes are often called song dogs,and it seems like it only takes a couple to sound like a half dozen.This one was published in Fur-Fish-Game magazine.
100 Limited edition prints, signed and numbered.
11" x 14"
"Otter Slide"
Otters are truly transfixing to see, as well as being valued furbearers.
This was published in Trapper's Post.
300 Limited edition prints, signed and numbered.
11" x 14"
"Near Miss" Cropped Version
The same illustration as "Near Miss," only cropped. Some have wanted the choice between the two,and here it is.
100 Limited edition prints, signed and numbered.
11" x 14"
"Near Miss"
Part of the Dobbins' series published in Trapper's Post, the young boy, in his delight to see a beautiful red fox, aims low, and the fox jumps straight up with surprise as the bullet hits the snow.
100 Limited edition prints, signed and numbered.
11" x 14"
"Sparkling Leap"
This red fox was published in Trapper's Post magazine. Foxes are among my favorite animals to illustrate, as their beauty and agility, fur colours and textures, captivates the artist's eye.
100 Limited edition prints,signed and numbered. On quality acid free paper.
11" x 14"
"Bringin' Down the House"
This wolverine was featured in Wildlife Control Technology magazine along with the article of him terrorizing summer cabins by tearing out window trim to gain access to the inside.
300 Limited edition prints, signed and numbered.
11" x 14"

"Passin' Through"

Grey fox are the smaller members of the fox family, and beautiful in colours.
300 Limited edition prints, signed and numbered.

"Red Pine Squirrel"

11" x 14"
These small squirrels live a solitary life and vigorously defend their territory.
300 Limited edition prints, signed and numbered.
11" x 14"

"Old Friends at Rondy"

This was the logo for the Fur Takers/PA Rendezvous.
Rondy meets were anticipated as a chance to catch up with friends and conduct business. With no hi-tec to connect people, this image well depicts friends glad to finally see each other again.
400 Limited edition prints, signed and numbered.
Artist Sharon Knight

"Gobbler Time"

11" x 14"
Sure sign of spring,hearing the turkeys! And who doesn't love to see those colourful fan tails displayed? This one surveys his domain from high up and will soon fly down to join the others.
300 Limited edition prints, signed and numbered.

"Silver Moment"

11" x 14"
Raccoons come in varied colour patterns, but a true silver is valued the most by furriers. Published in Trappers Post.
300 Limited edition prints, signed and numbered.

"Fox Clan"

11" x 14"
The Red Fox, the largest of the species, has many beautiful colour phases. The kits are always a never ending source of fun to watch. Published in Trapper's Post.
300 Limited edition prints, signed and numbered.
11" x 14"

"A Good Life""

"..story by Don Shumaker of a man in the 1860s who went into the Rockies to become a trapper and wolfer. A lovely time in the fall to be alive and well for this handsome trapper."  300 Limited edition prints, signed and numbered.
11" x 14"

"Looking Bigger"

The Grey Fox is a perky, energetic one who holds its own among many larger predators. With toes and legs designed for climbing, it is unique in the fox world for climbing trees with ease. 300 Limited edition prints, signed and numbered.
11" x 14"

"Alaskan Prize"

One of the wolves pictured by an Alaskan trapper who traps every season. An especially pretty face and colour. The vintage long spring was inserted to go with a different story which was published in Trappers Post magazine. Nice fur is always intriguing for me to try and capture! . 500 Limited edition prints, signed and numbered.
11" x 14"

"Top Wolf"

Published in Fur-Fish-Game magazine, a fascinating story on the differences in eastern vs western coyotes . With a wolf thrown in for comparison of size and anatomical differences. This job was a fun one for me , like a biological study, with the aid of a leading wolf biologist friend. Either in single, or all three, every one tells the story of wild places. 400 Limited edition prints, signed and numbered.

"Western Coyote"


"Eastern Coyote"


A Study of Wolves & Coyotes
Complete Set of Three 11x14" Prints
